New York City Transportation
Airlines that fly to and from New York City
The US airlines serving
New York City airports are:
Alaska Airlines: (800) 252-7522
American Airlines: (800) 433-7300
Continental Airlines: (800) 523-3273
Delta Airlines: (800) 221-1212
Frontier Airlines: (801) 401-9000
Jet Blue: (800) JET-BLUE
Northwest: (800) 225-2525
Spirit Airlines: (855) 728-3555
Southwest: (800) 435-9792
United: (800) 241-6522
US Airways: (800) 428-4322
Due to heightened security at these airports, all airlines recommend you check in two hours in advance for domestic flights, and three hours in advance for international flights. During peak summer travel months, make every attempt to arrive at the airport even earlier.

While American carriers generally assign seats in advance, most foreign airlines do not. In addition, some airlines require international travelers reconfirm their reservations by phone up to 72 hours prior to the flight. If you have questions or concerns about your flight, contact the airline directly for further assistance.

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